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Canon 70D vs 6D using Tamron 150-600mm

Quantity or quality, what do you want?

I recently got the Canon 6D and there is a great difference in quality when you are using Tamron 150-600mm. You can for example go down to 6.3 when you are using 600mm without any problems. On 70D the ISO would shot up very high if you were at 600 mm and you would get a lot of pixels showing when you were looking at the picture in your computer.

With Canon 6D you get better picture quality, since it is a full format camera house you can easier crop the picture in post production to only focus on the parts you like to keep. If you would crop a picture taken with Canon 70D that would effect the picture quality and make some parts blurry.

Canon 6D is not made to take pictures of birds flying by, that is much better with 70D since the picture per second is 7 and only 4,5 with 6D.

Duck sleeping peacefully

Duck sleeping peacefully

This picture is taken with Canon 6D and Tamron 150-600mm. It was little dark but 6D managed to take a great picture anyway. This picture is only taken at 250mm so there is a great sharpness in the picture. The ISO is at 1000 but there is no pixels visible compared if I would take this picture with 70D.

The softness that you get in the background with 6D is always a plus. I am now considering always using my Canon 6D for wildlife, but it is good to have 70D if you are expecting to take picture of flying birds or bigger animals like a tiger or leopard on a wildlife safari trip. I recommend to have both camera houses in your camera bag if you have the possibility.

Nuthatch hanging on

Nuthatch hanging on

This picture is also taken with Canon 6D, this is taken at 600mm but there are still nice sharpness and the background is blurred out to make the picture even better. The aperture is at f7.1. If I would take a picture with Canon 70D I would use f9 to f11 in aperture to get a sharper image. The amount of pictures that turns out great are more with Canon 6D then 70D.

If you have any question feel free to ask in the comments field below.


2015©Expressive Photos

Sony DSC-HX100V

Sony DSC-HX100V

Sony DSC-HX100V

The Sony DSC-HX100V is a small camera with a great zoom. It has 30x zoom which makes it a great camera for all occasions.

When I go to a concert and I am sitting far from the stages I can zoom in pretty close to the artists.

This is how far away from the artist I was standing when I zoomed in, as you can see the artist looks pretty small from where I sat:

Another concert I have been on is with Lionel Richie and I was sitting maybe more than 50 meters away from him. This is a favorite picture of mine.

Lionel Richie

Lionel Richie

This camera is good when it is daylight but also sunsets:

Natural light no effects

Natural light no effects

It is easy to take pictures, it goes fast which is necessary when taking picture of for example animals:

So I think I proved my point with this camera. A great zoom is getting you closer to the object and Sony DSC-HX100V does what it suppose to do. It is not even the newest version. Now there must be even more improved cameras and better zoom maybe even 50x.

Even macro is good with this camera. You can come very close to small objects and still get clear pictures like below is shown:

Even landscape photography goes well with this camera:

I also like to add that the filming is recording in stereo sound. This mean that it wont make big noise when you are playing the video, no noise disturbance. You will be able to hear a clear sound and not like if you would have recorded with your mobile and only hear the base sounds. This camera is great for concerts.
