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Tamron 90mm – a rose

I went to a rose show where they had a lot of roses and other flowers. Tamron 90mm lens is one of a kind. I really like the macro lens. It’s great value for your money and it takes splendid pictures.

2015©Expressive Photos

Is it possible to take photos of insects with a telephoto lens?

Tamron 150-600mm lens delivers quality close-up photos of insects

I was out shooting some pictures of birds with the Tamron 150-600mm and then suddenly I saw a dragonfly on a leaf. I quickly zoomed in on it and took a picture. The result is showed below.

Red dragonfly (Oriental Scarlet Crocothemis servilia), its a male. Male is totally red colored and female is olivaceous brown in color. It lives everywhere near stagnant water reservoirs such as tanks, ponds and paddy fields. This shot is taken with my big lens, but I got it to look like macro photography. Its taken in India.

Red dragonfly (Oriental Scarlet Crocothemis servilia), its a male. Male is totally red colored and female is olivaceous brown in color. It lives everywhere near stagnant water reservoirs such as tanks, ponds and paddy fields. This shot is taken with my big lens, but I got it to look like macro photography. It’s taken in India.


Now who says you can’t take a good macro picture with a big lens? I just proved it is possible. Here is one more proof:

Green dragonfly

Green dragonfly


I also took a picture of a butterfly. I think the result turn out pretty good. I have not done anything to the picture just added my logo.

Butterfly taken with Tamron 150-600mm

Grey Pansy Butterfly taken with Tamron 150-600mm

I am not saying that you should replace your macro lenses with a telephoto lens. I am just glad you can take different photo styles with one lens.



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Pink explosion of flowers

Taken with Canon 70D and Tamron 90mm macro lens, handheld and in windy conditions.


2014©Expressive Photos

Spider nets and water drops = amazing combination

Colorful spider nets

With Canon 65mm f/2.8 1-5x macro lens you can get pretty cool images. The pictures above is taken of spider nets after it has been raining. The patterns you can get is amazing. I used a magnification of 2-3x. With this lens i can get very close and get pictures of things you cant really see with your own eyes. You need to have a macro lens to capture these moments.

2014©Expressive Photos

Extension tubes, close-up filter or macro lenses – What to choose for macro photography?

What is the best way to get closer to the object?

You can choose for example macro rings, extenders, close-up filters or you can go for the real deal and buy a macro lens.

The good thing with extension tubes is that you do not need to have a macro lens to use them on. Any lens can become a macro lens with a little help of macro equipment’s. Although the real deal, a macro lens, always gives the best result. Since a macro lens is intended for macro photography it is easy to get good result without any fuss. If you use close-up filters it might take longer time to get ready when you change between the different strengths. There are usually 4 options to choose from. They are for example +1, +2, +4 and +10. It also depends on what brand you buy. Some brands are cheap and might not be as good in clarity like the more expensive and well known brands. It all depends on how much time and money you want to spend on macro photography. If you only want to try something out then it is fine with the cheaper versions but if you want a good result you need to go for the more expensive versions.

On the picture above I am displaying one extender with 2x magnification and one with 1.4x from Canon. There is also a Tamron 90mm f/2.8 macro lens. Close-up filters from Hoya and extension tubes and another extender with 2x magnification from unknown brands.

If you are not happy with the magnification you can always combine 2 equipments. For example I have combined a Canon Extender 1.4 with a 65mm macro lens 1-5x. This combination gives me a chance to come really close to any object. For example if you would take a picture of salt you would be able to see the crystals on the grain of salt. With the combination seen on the picture above I get this close to the grain of salt:

Try your own combination. Let me know which one is your favorite macro equipment?

2014©Expressive Photos

Testing Canon 65mm f2.8 1-5x macro lens

Come closer to your object

Elasmucha grisea

Elasmucha grisea

I recently wrote about the Canon 65mm macro lens, but I had not yet taken any pics at that time. Now I have tried it out and I will show you a picture of a bug called Elasmucha grisea. The bug is barely 1 centimeter. When I took this picture I was using 3-4 times magnification. The shot was taken outdoor on a windy day. The picture was also taken handheld. The odds were against me but I managed to capture this bug in the right moment when the wind was not blowing to much.

If I would have used the 5 times magnification on this lens, think about how close I could have got but that is almost impossible to do since it was handheld. It needs to be on a tripod to take a picture with 5 times magnification.

2014©Expressive Photos

Raindrops and crowns

Practicing speed? Then taking pictures of raindrops is a good way to practice to take the picture at the right time. You might have to take 100’s of pictures but you will at least get few good ones.  I am practicing for a marathon that will take place tomorrow, I will be the sport photographer. When I went to see the path they are going to run I came across a little dripping waterfall. It is a source for iron water. The wall is orange because of all the iron in the water. It gave a nice background color to the pictures I am about to show you.


When the drops hit the ground waves and crowns will be formed. If you can capture those you can have amazing pictures. I also like to keep the funny looking creations that is made after the drop has hit the ground, I am showing one of those in the picture collage below.

All these pictures are taken handheld with Tamron 90mm f2.8 macro lens and Canon 70D. It is taken without flash, the only light used was the sunlight.

 Copyright©2014 Expressive photos


My new lens – Canon MP-E 65mm f/2.8 1-5x macro

Taking macro photography to the next level

I got a recommendation about a lens for macro photography. So of course I had to have it and here it is! It is the Canon 65mm f/2.8 1-5x macro lens. Forget about extension tubes or close-up filters, because you only need this lens to take great macro pictures. This lens is not for amateurs, then I would suggest you first start with Tamron 90mm f/2.8 or Canon 100mm f/2.8. The Canon MP-E 65mm do not have image stabilizer and no auto focus. So what is the advantage with this lens then? Answer is 5:1 macro, it is hard to beat that with any other lens. The Tamron 90mm and Canon 100mm only have 1:1 macro.

In the box there is only the lens and a CD and warranty papers. It did not come with a bag or a lens hood, that you have to buy seperatly.

I haven’t been able to try it out yet. Pictures of what this little lens can do will come soon. For now I will just show you some picture of the lens itself.


The lens comes with the front- and back lid and a removable tripod collar. It is a pricey lens for about 1049 US dollar.

This lens needs a flash of some kind, for example a ring flash is good when you take on insects and flowers. This is because when you zoom in it will get darker then you need light to brighten the picture up. The aperture range is from f2.8 to f16. It is also possible to use Canon extender 2x to get a even larger magnification. Stacking is a good way to get sharp images from this kind of lens. It is almost necessary in order to get a whole insects face sharp using stacking. I will try stacking and then post some pictures to show the results in another article here on Expressive Photos website.

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Copyright©2014 Expressive Photos

I got an eye on you…literally

Canon 70D+Tamron 90mm f2.8. “I got an eye on you!”


This chameleon is king of his branch and in full control. It is blending in nicely with the green background. With the Tamron 90mm lens you get a nice blur or bokeh in the background when you use aperture 2.8. It was kind of dark where the chameleon were but with some glimpse of light coming through it makes it a mystical picture.

Copyright©2014 Expressive Photos

Flowers in a macro world

I have posted a lot of articles about Tamron 150-600mm. This time it will be about Tamron 90mm f2.8. I have  used a Canon 70D for this picture. I can really recommend Tamron 90mm 2.8 as a great macro lens. It is also a cheaper alternative to the Canon 100mm macro lens. Tamson 90mm do not have image stabilizer, but I have been able to take really nice pictures even without that. I am using the older model of the 90mm lens. Now there is a newer version which is waterproof.

I love to take macro pictures. It is like being in another world. You can look at a flower and see its beauty, but only if you get really close you can see all the amazing details.

Macro of a rose

Macro of a rose

Close-up of a yellow flower

Close-up of a yellow flower


Macro is a world of it's own

Macro is a world of it’s own


There are many ways to show the same flower

There are many ways to show the same flower


You don't have to be very close it is still macro photography

You don’t have to be very close it is still macro photography


That is it for this time, feel free to comment. Don’t forget to like me on Facebook to keep yourself updated on new articles about photography.


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